An Introduction

At the risk of sounding incredibly derivative of Scorsese, as far back as I can remember, I always loved watching movies. Like many other kids my age I was drawn in by Star Wars, Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones, however my primary interest in these movies was finding out just how they were made. From my childhood, on upward I consistently taught myself the rules and the secrets of filmmaking, at least at a rudimentary level. The Sci-Fi channel's cult TV show Movie Magic introduced me to the amazing techniques of scale models, rotoscoping and even animation. 

While in my teenage years my studies primarily focused on being in front of the camera, I still downloaded trial versions of Adobe Premiere and After Effects, and before long, I had started applying for freelance jobs as a video editor -- and continue to do so to this day. Additionally, I have provided my voice for numerous voice-over projects, including traditional animation.

In taking this course I hope to refine the imperfect and self-taught knowledge that I already possess and use it to further the career I have already started to build for myself. It is my fervant hope that in 10 years (or perhaps less,) I can find myself heavily involved in the field of animation -- either as a director, or perhaps, voice-over director.


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